State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Beihang University
Google Scholar
I am a professor of the State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University. During 2010-2011, I visited the Computer Graphics and Visualization Lab at Purdue University as a Visiting Scholar, and worked with Prof. Voicu Popescu . During the summer of 2006, I visited the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology as a Visiting Scholar, and worked with Prof. Long Quan . I received a PhD degree from Beihang University in 2005, supervised by Prof. Qinping Zhao . I got a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from Beihang University in 1999. During the summer of 2000, I was a visiting student in Microsoft Research Asia, supervised by Prof. Stan Z. Li .
Research interests
研究生招生: 每年招收普博、直博、硕士研究生;研究方向包括虚拟现实、增强现实、人机交互、计算机图形学;注重国际合作,与国内外顶尖学者开展了密切合作研究;因材施教,根据学生特点进行个性化培养;欢迎热爱科研、踏实做事、具有创造力的同学加入团队。
本科实习生招生: 长年招收北航高年级本科生加入团队开展助研工作。
Jian Wu, Ziteng Wang, Lili Wang*. FanPad: A Fan Layout Touchpad Keyboard for Text Entry in VR. IEEE VR 2024.
Xiaolong Liu, Lili Wang*, Shuai Luan. Manipulation Guidance Field for Collaborative Object Manipulation in VR. IJHCI 2023.
Xinda Liu, Yaohui Zhu, Linhu Liu, Jiang Tian, Lili Wang*. Feature-Suppressed Contrast for Self-Supervised Food Pre-training. ACM MM 2023.
Xuehuai Shi, Lili Wang*, Jian Wu, Wei Ke, Chan-Tong Lam. Locomotion-aware Foveated Rendering. IEEE VR 2023.
Lili Wang*, Xuehuai Shi and Yi Liu. Foveated rendering: A state-of-the-art survey. CVM 2023.
Xiaoheng Wei, Lili Wang* and Xuehuai Shi. Label Guidance based Object Locating in Virtual Reality. IEEE ISMAR 2022.
Xiaolong Liu, Lili Wang*, Shuai Luan, Xuehuai Shi and Xinda Liu. Distant Object Manipulation with Adaptive Gains in Virtual Reality. IEEE ISMAR 2022.
Jiaye Len, Lili Wang*, Xiaolong Liu, Xuehuai Shi, Miao Wang. Efficient Flower Text Entry in Virtual Reality. IEEE TVCG (Special Issue of ISMAR).
Xuehuai Shi, Lili Wang*, Jian Wu and Aimin Hao. Foveated Stochastic Lightcuts. IEEE TVCG (Special Issue of ISMAR).
Danqing Dai, Xuehuai Shi Lili Wang* and Xiangyu Li. Interactive Mixed Reality Rendering on Holographic Pyramid. IEEE VR 2022.
Lili Wang*, Xiaolong Liu, Xiangyu Li. VR Collaborative Object Manipulation Based on Viewpoint Quality. IEEE ISMAR 2021.
Zijing Zhou, Lili Wang*, Voicu Popescu. A Partially-Sorted Concentric Layout for Efficient Label Localization in Augmented Reality. IEEE TVCG 2021 (Special Issue of ISMAR).
Xuehuai Shi, Lili Wang*, Xiaoheng Wei, Ling-Qi Yan. Foveated Photon Mapping. IEEE TVCG 2021 (Special Issue of ISMAR).
Lili Wang*, Jianjun Chen, Qixiang Ma, Voicu Popescu. Disocclusion headlight for selection assistance in VR. IEEE VR 2021.
Lili Wang*, Hao Wang, Danqing Dai, Jiaye Leng, Xiaoguang Han. Bidirectional shadow rendering for interactive mixed 360° videos. IEEE VR 2021.
Jian Wu, Lili Wang*, Hui Zhang, Voicu Popescu. Quantifiable Fine-Grain Occlusion Removal Assistance for Efficient VR Exploration. IEEE TVCG 2021.
Xinda Liu, Weiqing Min, Shuhuan Mei, Lili Wang*, Shuqiang Jiang. Plant disease recognition: A large-scale benchmark dataset and a visual region and loss reweighting approach. IEEE TIP 2021.
Lili Wang*, Wentao Wu, Zijing Zhou, Voicu Popescu. View Splicing for Effective VR Collaboration. IEEE ISAMR 2020.
Lili Wang*, Runze Li, Xuehuai Shi, Ling-Qi Yan, Zhichao Li. Foveated instant radiosity. IEEE ISAMR 2020.
Antong Cao, Lili Wang*, Yi Liu, Voicu Popescu. Feature guided path redirection for VR navigation. IEEE VR 2020.
Lili Wang*, Jian Wu, Xuefeng Yang, Voicu Popescu. VR Exploration Assistance through Automatic Occlusion Removal. IEEE TVCG 2019 (Special Issue of IEEE VR).
Antong Cao, Lili Wang*, Yi Liu, Voicu Popescu. Occlusion management in VR: A comparative study. IEEE VR 2019.
Lili Wang*, Xinglun Liang, Chunlei Meng, Voicu Popescu. Fast Ray-Scene Intersection for Interactive Shadow Rendering with Thousands of Dynamic Lights. IEEE TVCG 2018.
Lili Wang*, Naiwen Xie, Wei Ke, Voicu Popescu. Second-Order Feed-Forward Renderingfor Specular and Glossy Reflections. IEEE TVCG 2014.
Yu Sheng, Yulong Shi, Lili Wang, Srinivasa G Narasimhan. Translucent radiosity: Efficiently combiningdiffuse inter-reflection andsubsurface scattering. IEEE TVCG 2013.